sábado, diciembre 27, 2008


git-stash is a really cool command, it let you save a work in progress, for example you are developing a new feature in your application, and still your changes are not ready to do a commit, and you must switch of branch (or another option that requires that indexes are up to date), so what can you do?, easy, just use git-stash it will save your current changes and then will revert to the last commit, then you do what ever you need to do, and when you are ready to back to your work simply use git-stash pop (or you can use the man page to other options)

freyes@yoda:rascase.git$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on rewrite-items: 52cfbe4... [items] registered the new items with gobject
freyes@yoda:rascase.git$ git stash pop
# On branch rewrite-items
# Changed but not updated:
# (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed)
# modified: rascase/views.py
# modified: setup.py
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Dropped refs/stash@{0} (74b9490b8bf8b22f5b1e687e5c0bc881719f6763)

sábado, diciembre 13, 2008

dlink dir-320 with dd-wrt

My old router after two years of work died, so I used this like a excuse to buy a linux compatible, after a few searches I found the dir-320, It's a broadcom based device, that runs dd-wrt, and like an extra gift it brings a usb port :D, do you imagine the hundreds of possibilities that opens this simple feature.

Well, right, I run a torrent web-based client, a webserver (cherokee rocks, you should give a test), and a lot of things. Still the usb driver is a little buggy, for example my usb key (the old one a kingston data traveler that died mysteriously, and the new one also a kingston) it was not recognized by the kernel, but when I plugged the usb hard drive (it's an ide HD inside a usb enclosure) the kernel detected it, so I installed a few packages.

If you are interested in the firmware that I used, well left it in my router :P

update: I recently installed django, damn it, optware is so fucking good :D

PS: thanks to linuxdiinf for the subdomain.
PS2: guys, the linuxdiinf domain expires in march, so we must start a call for donations.

jueves, diciembre 04, 2008

Python 3.0

Finally is here baby: Python 3.0

I will have to start reading the incompatible changes with 2.6 to write the new code in a compatible way with 3.0 and think when to change my old code to make it compatible with this new and shine piece of software.

viernes, noviembre 21, 2008

Ofertas de Trabajo

Se buscan Linuxeros en Open Fountain


sábado, noviembre 01, 2008

Palm should die

I bought a Kingston SD card of 2 GB, and it does not recognize it.

So if you are thinking in buy a Palm powered device, you should not do it.

sábado, octubre 04, 2008

pedrito y el lobo

Otro error de DELL, esto es inconcebible, creo que el sernac debe tomar medidas por publicidad engañosa o algo similar, porque no puede ser que tengan tan mal servicio disponible en su tienda on-line

History Hacker

Today I saw the first episode of History Hacker, a so fucking cool program (sponsored by your closest torrent :D), at that episode recreated the inventions of Nikola Tesla, it was a nice coincidence, because our development server is tesla :), if in another episode of the season talk about Maxwell I'm gonna shoot in my foot XD

BTW, download and watch history hacker

my .emacs files

This was a nice week, because I was contacted about some of my emacs posts, she wanted to know which emacs package provide the buffers at the left of the code, so you can do that with EmacsCodeBrowser, and here is my .emacs file, contains a lot of code snippets grabbed from the web, I tried to put the url from where you cand obtain the dependencies, but probably there are some missing files, also there are some functions and tips that zeus provide me when I was starting the trip to learn emacs (a trip that still is far from be finished, especially because nobody has finished, always you can learn new tricks at the emacs-devel list)

I hope you enjoy disecting my emacs config :D


sábado, septiembre 06, 2008

Spam de vinos, que care raja el mensaje

Este va en español para en honor el mes de septiembre y toda esa shit XD (shit == mierda), ahora revisando la carpeta de spam en busca de algún correo que por equivocación haya dado al spam y me encuentro con el mensaje con el siguiente asunto: "LIQUIDACION DE VINOS EXCLUSIVOS !!!", lo cual debo reconocer llamó mi atención, pero me produjo nauseas el pie de pagina que traía, el que pongo a continuación:

"Este mensaje se envнa en base al art. 28b de la ley 19.955 que reforma la ley de derechos del consumidor, y los articulos 2 y 4 de la ley 19.628 sobre protecciуn de la vida privada o datos de caracter personal, todo esto en conformidad a los numerales 4 y 12 de la constituciуn politica de CHILE.."

ahora lo malditos spammers chilenos tratan de hacer pasar su mensaje como si fuera legal

sábado, agosto 30, 2008

carrete 20080829

Los presentes en la junta de ayer ;)

Andrea y Ati

sábado, agosto 16, 2008

How to start with emacs [2]

Emacs uses a configuration file that is by default placed in your home directory, the file is called .emacs (I don't know if on win32 systems is also called .emacs). This file contents is elisp code, so for full control of emacs it's imperative learn elisp, but I still didn't learn elisp and I'm an emacs user :), so you can learn elisp while you are looking for snippets of code.


I will have to explain some concepts that are important to understand why emacs behave in the way that it does.

In emacs there are buffers, there is the minibuffer that is where you type the emacs commands (or elisp interactive functions), and the other buffers could represent an opened file, a pipe, or just a temporary editing space that is not attached to a file, the name of the last type of buffers start and end with *, for example *scratch*

Emacs has something called 'modes', it's something like the way that a determined buffer must behave, for example if you are going to open C source code file the c-mode should be loaded, and it will help you in task of develop with the C language. There are 2 kinds of modes, the major and minor modes, one buffer can only have one major mode and zero or more minor modes.

First tweaks

Emacs is a software with a huge history and tradition, so there are some things that for somebody that is formed in the last 10 years in computing terms there some musts that you must have in you emacs config file, like the transient-mark-mode

The transient mark mode highlights the selected region of text, by defaults this is disabled so I recommend you enable it with pasting the following in your .emacs

(transient-mark-mode 1)

Fill you name and email to let the modes that need that information could use, this is done with the following snippet of code
(setq user-mail-address "homer@simpsons.com")
(setq user-full-name "Homer J. Simpsons")

If you like to use Ctrl+g to jump to a line number then you should add the following code

(global-set-key [(control g)] 'goto-line)

One of the sweetest feature that must have a text editor is syntax highlight, well emacs has this, but disabled by default, with the following code you will have it enabled always

(require 'font-lock)
(global-font-lock-mode t)

I think that this is enough for this entry, the next entries probably will be more fun to write and read, because i will start talking about the major modes, one mode per entry, probably the next one will be the C mode.

sábado, agosto 09, 2008

How to start with emacs [1]

First of all, All my tips related to the underlying Operative System are using GNU/Linux Debian, so if you are using another distribution (or even another OS) you will have to look for the appropriate way to do the task, if you send me how to do it with another OS I will add it to the entry.

What is emacs?

Well, emacs doesn't exists, the correct name is GNU Emacs for the series of post, because there is a lot different flavors of emacs, for example XEmacs, Aquamacs, and others.

The GNU Emacs website says:
GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp, a dialect of the Lisp programming language with extensions to support text editing.

What can I do with emacs?

It's a text editor, so write text :P, but also:

  • Develop software in a wide range of compute languages, like C, C++, elisp, C#, ruby, python, java, ...

  • Mail client

  • Chat with your irc folks

  • Surf on the web

  • And other things that will be discussed in their respectives posts

Install GNU Emacs

First you must decide witch version of emacs do you want to use?, exists emacs22, which is the current stable release, and also emacs23 (aka emacs-cvs) which is the development version, but currently is in the state of features freeze, so It's pretty stable to me, if you use emacs22 you will not have anti-alias, something that is very nice to the eyes when you spend the day developing, almost all the tips discussed in the series will be neutral, except the related with anti-alias and multi-tty.


To use emacs22 you can just use the debian official archive and execute

apt-get install emacs22

But if you want to use the emacs cvs there is a repository maintained by Romain Francoise of the package emacs-snapshot which is a binary package of the cvs code (this is the one that I use). To use this repo you must the following to you source.list (to obtain more details visit the webpage of the repo)

deb http://emacs.orebokech.com sid main
deb-src http://emacs.orebokech.com sid main

Then just install the emacs-snapshot package.

On the next entry, I will talk about how is emacs by default and how to change the configuration.

How to start with emacs [0]

Before I could really be productive with emacs, I failed a couple of times, because I knew that emacs were powerful, but the default configuration shows you a simple text editor that look awful, without syntax highlight, without anti-alias, a color schema that really sucks.

In GNU/Linux (to not piss off rms xD)I was never found a really nice (text) editor, because all the available suck at some point (even emacs sucks sometime, but suck less than the rest :P), so when I met zeus lead me in the first steps giving me some elisp tips, I could start swimming by myself and improving my emacs configuration file, and even teaching some tips to the mentor :P.

So I will start a series of articles of how to start with emacs, especially giving the recipes (elisp code) of how to obtain the desired behavior.

martes, julio 29, 2008

Installing services

Today I had a dejavu, I had to use the following command 3 times on different tasks and even on different machines, but for different purposes

$ ln -s . foo

soft links are really helpful to work-around a strange behavior.

lunes, julio 21, 2008


Is Openmoko for the mass market?, well the answer is simple NO, believe me I want to have an opemoko smartphone, but it cost US$500 against the US$200 of the iphone, it has a faaaar from be a great software stack and the lack of eye candy for the mass market and for be an iphone-killer that's a must.

openmoko has a lot of potential, especially for a linux developer, _we_ need to develop good software with eye-candy.

domingo, julio 20, 2008

RIP brother in arms.

It's always hard loose a friend, but it's even harder when he is still a young boy, rest in peace raúl (aka darth debian), every body will be there with you sooner or later, wait for us with a shell to hack in the heaven, we always remember you.

jueves, julio 10, 2008

El coyote atrapa al correcaminos

Gracias youtube, me haz permitido ver el mítico mommento en que el coyote atrapa al correcaminos :D

lunes, julio 07, 2008

Just use Pencil

if you want to create UI prototypes (web or desktop app) then use the Pencil, but not an analogical one, use the software called Pencil it's awesome. ... and can run over firefox or like a standalone program (yes, it uses xulrunner)

screeenshot of Pencil

jueves, julio 03, 2008


Para todos los que hemos leido de vez en cuando algún artículo de fayerwayer se ha dado cuenta que los chicos de fayerwayer tienen mucha llegada con las empresas (no tengo idea a que se dedican para ganarse la vida), han ido a expos de nokia, tienen un contrato con paris.cl, les regalan cosas para que sorteen con sus lectores, etc..., por lo tanto cuando sacan críticas a una empresa, ya sean para bien o para mal, me es muy dificil no mirar con desconfianza sus palabras, ya que seamos sinceros, si las empresas te regalonean no vas a querer enrostrarles en su cara que son wnas y que deben hacer X o Y, por lo tanto las palabras de Alexander Schek (Mr.Chips) las veo con cuidado, en especial porque Mr chips está metido en el rubro de las tiendas virtuales.

El otro punto a destacar es que dell se ha mandado el mismo cagazo antes y aun no aprende, y estoy seguro que volverá a pasar, por lo que no es un error aislado, sino que es una constante, deben asumir el riesgo de su negocio y mejorar su equipo de QA, además cuando vas a comprar a una tienda y compras un pantalón en 20 lukas y la siguiente semana la tienda tira el gran remate gran de el mismo pantalón 2x1 a 10 lukas, uno no va llorando donde la tienda pk se lo cagaron, asume hidalgamente y putea, pero nada más, por lo tanto deberia ser la actitud de Dell, asumir hidalgamente su error, mejorar sus procesos internos y entregar los laptop.

Update: un punto no menor que rescata José Roa (extracto sacado de Invertia.com) es el siguiente:

las empresas están obligadas a respectar las ofertas que le realizaron a los consumidores en los términos que la realizaron (...) Así como nadie pretende que sea un error el que una empresa cobre muchas veces el precio por el mismo producto en otro local, así tampoco debe llamar a ese juicio el hecho que una empresa cobre un precio menor. Ese es un trato asimétrico

PD: no quiero que se interprete mal, pensando que digo que los de fayerwayer son unos vendidos, sino que simplemente es necesario mirar con detención las criticas (de todo el mundo, no solo de fayerwayer, ... sí, incluso esta), porque todos *tenemos* tejado de vidrio.

get the thumbnail of a file with python

with this function you can obtain the the path where is stored (returns None if the thumbnail doesn't exists) the thumbnail of the given uri.

import md5
import os.path

def thumbnail_path_from_uri(uri, size='normal'):
"""Construct the path for the thumbnail of the given uri

- `uri`: the uri that points to the file that is looking for the thumbnail.
- `size`: the size of the thumbnail (normal or large)

assert isinstance(uri, basestring), \
TypeError("The uri must be a str")

assert isinstance(size, basestring) and (size == 'large' or size=='normal'), \
TypeError("The size for thumbnail can be normal or large")

hash = md5.new()
path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), ".thumbnails", size, str("%s.png" % hash.hexdigest()))

if os.path.exists(path):
return path
return None

miércoles, julio 02, 2008

a photo manager

damn it!, f-spot is pretty nice, but it doesn't work for me, because my video driver sucks, it hang up when you use some functionality that has some code with glx.

I tried to made a quick photo viewer (usgin the photos.db of f-spot) with python and GtkIconView, but I want to implenet the list store (backend) in a OOP-way, and avoi the data duplication, something that is trying to figure it out in the pygtk mailing list, my other option is make a fork of f-spot, but not to make a better software, instead to eliminate all the glx code, and have a simpler f-spot, but I dont know how many animations could be around.

so, anyone has some photo manger like f-spot?.

PS: picasa is not usefull to me, I'm a fucking freetard (If you are a reader of linux hater's blog, the you what I'm talking about).

sábado, junio 28, 2008

ELinux 2008

jueves, junio 26, 2008

firefox stop pissing me off

a common use case of my daily routine before firefox 3 appeared on sid:

  • open liferea

  • open evolution

  • open iceweasel (aka firefox)

  • open emacs

  • put music with emms

  • while unread_items > 0, read the interesting items of the feeds loaded in liferea, and click in the interesting links

  • read the mail, and if somebody sent me a link, then follow it

  • check all the links opened in iceweasel

a common use case of my daily routing after firefox 3
  • open liferea

  • open evolution

  • open iceweasel

  • open emacs

  • put music with emms

  • while unread_items > 0, read the interesting items of the feeds loaded in liferea, click in the interesting links, minimize firefox to return the focus to liferea

  • read the mail, and if somebody sent me a link, then follow it, minimize the firefox to return the focus to evolution

  • check all the links opened in iceweasel
do you see the pattern?, if that is pissing you off too, then go to about:config and set browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground to true

miércoles, junio 25, 2008


un tip que me envió la naty
mouji dice:

En Facebook la cosa está que arde…se han creado muchos grupos interesantes y uno de ellos es “Yo Reciclo” que ya lleva más de 2000 miembros, ahora han publicado ésta lista con las diferentes organizaciones que reciben reciclaje en Chile:

– Codeff: 777-2534 (www.codeff.cl)
– Coaniquem: 570-2500 (www.coaniquem.cl)


– Nocedal: 381-3641 www.nocedal.cl
– Crearte: 236-0341 www.crearte.cl
– Coar: 732-2821 www.coar.cl

3.- CACHUREOS ELECTRÓNICOS (computadores, impresoras, pantallas… . etc)

– Emaus: 643-3643 643-2035 (www.traperosemaus.cl)
– Municipalidad de Providencia 410-5215 (www.providencia.cl)
– Fundación Todo Chilenter 516-0807 516-0403


– Chilectra: 696-0000 www.chilectra.cl
– Casa de La Paz: www.casadelapaz.cl


– Recipet: 854-5967 www.recipet.cl
– Cenfa: 800-410066 www.cenfa.cl

6.- TETRAPAK (envases de leche y jugos de larga vida)

7.- ALUMINIO (latas de bebida y cervezas)

– Copasur (retira a domicilio sobre 40kg) 548-7755 www.copasur.cl
– Cenfa 800-410066 www.cenfa.cl


– Fundación San José 399-9614 www.fundaciónsanjose cl
– Sorepa 473-70000 www.sorepa.cl
– Recupac 624-6539 www.recupac.cl
– Reciclados industriales 641-3128

domingo, junio 15, 2008

code swarm

code swarm:

This visualization, called code_swarm, shows the history of commits in a software project. A commit happens when a developer makes changes to the code or documents and transfers them into the central project repository.

code_swarm - Python from Michael Ogawa on Vimeo.

jueves, junio 12, 2008

Linux hater's blog

yea that's right, it's a must-read blog, I recommend How to write a Gnome Application

Linux hater's blog

martes, junio 10, 2008

interesante nota


viernes, junio 06, 2008

git screencasts

If you have heard that the kernel.org guys use git to develop it, but you just know that it's a CVS/SVN replacement, but in a distributed way, and you don't know how it works, then the right place for you is gitcasts.

The site has a lot of videos, they pick a functionality of git and show it in a video of about 8 minutes, pretty educative :D

jueves, junio 05, 2008


What's worng with you via?, the announcement about give us free open source drivers for the graphics cards was made about more than a month and we are still waiting, why you are just dropping binary drivers on your site?, damn it I want a fully functional video card, but believe me that my next laptop will be powered by Intel technologies, they are doing the things right.

miércoles, junio 04, 2008

when to use mvc++?

Well, since I used the design pattern proposed by Jaaksi MVC++, I said that really sucks, because sometimes it's really easy implement something connecting two controllers bypassing the main controller, especially when you know the entire software and you know that it will not change in the future (I'm talking about my project degree), but today I was walking to my home (yes it was raining and I was all wet) and start to think about the design of rizoma, and that application has a lot of UIs (notebooks, windows and dialogs) so the code it pretty ugly, so I started to think what to do if the application must be rewritten, and how to apply mvc++, and after a few blocks I said 'hey mvc++ rocks!', but why? ...

Let's see, when you have a software the will never have a final version (I mean that will never stop of being developed) you must use a modular design, and mvc++ give us that in a simple way.

Here are the main rules (IMO) of mvc++:

* There must exists a main controller and all the message that a controllers want to send to another one must pass across the main controller.
* A controller and view must have 1 to 1 relationship, so the view will only stay in touch with it's controller.
* The controller must provide a set of functionalities for the other controllers exposed by public methods.
* and of course the controllers can manipulate the model

The key to don't feel that mvc++ sucks, is don't think that when you are in a controller X you want/must call a method of controller Y, you must say 'hey, main controller, I want to use the A functionality, this are the arguments' and never think who is gonna receive those arguments, it's responsability of the main controller call the proper controller and pass the arguments in a way that it can understand.

With this change of think will let you have a pretty decent software, that can connect new UI components in a pretty simple way, and if you use the abstract partner it will be even better.

miércoles, mayo 28, 2008

We are in the backyard of the world

Well, that's an old news, but really we are in the backyard of the world.

Our neighbors from argentina are organizing the debconf8 (debian conference 8), the have put a lot of effort, first to win like hosts for debconf8 and then to build the conference at mar del plata, but there is a lot of debian developers that live in USA and Europe

Debian developers location

So for them it will be so much expensive get the tickets to argentina, I don't how many debian devs will miss the debconf, but the topic of the month at debian planet is 'to go or not go to debconf', it's a shame really, because conferences like this usually are made at usa or europe (at those countries is movement :P).

And finally our fucking local enterprises doesn't care sponsorship an event like this one, so give money for tickets is really complicated.

Good luck debconf8 team ;)

martes, mayo 27, 2008

It's raining

here in stgo, it's raining and it seems that it's not gonna stop, but the wheather guys say that after the rain comes a polar front, so we must be prepared for under 0ºC

I hope that the office with a little stove stays warm :-\

domingo, mayo 25, 2008

Interesting Thread

Today I did a simple search on google 'flisol santiago 2008' and one of the results that a I saw is a thread in the linux list of the utfsm, the thread is SPAM: Fwd: INVITACION FLISOL SANTIAGO 2008.

The discussion was pretty intense, still is good read it, because they talk about the gnuchile's platform for events, and that has same low points, like in the mail that they sent you don't says who provide them the email.

lunes, mayo 19, 2008

domingo, mayo 18, 2008

Acid 3 in epiphany-webkit of debian archive

Today I give it a try to the epiphany-webkit package available in the debian archive and it passed the acid3 test :D,I knew that the svn version were passing the test, but I didn't knew that the package if the debian were with a so recent version of webkit, nice job debian guys :-)

miércoles, mayo 14, 2008

Just a shot

this is just a shot of the new glade/gtkbuilder based GUI

It looks pretty nice, and even support a fullscreen mode, so if you have a low resolution (like 800x600 in a 9'' screen)

miércoles, abril 30, 2008

Emacs for ladies

if you are a lady, a lady that likes the pink color and emacs, then this color theme is the right one for you.

Pink emacs color theme

domingo, abril 27, 2008

My battery is gonna die!

Today gnome-power-manager warned me about that my battery sucks :( is charging only the 42% of it's capacity, it's a shame, especially, because I don't what to do, I wish to change the laptop for a new one and with hardware that talks better with the penguin OS, like the Dell 1420, but I don't have the money right now to buy it, so I am stuck with this laptop, I like a lot this laptop, except for the lack of a super b class driver for the video card (via k8m800 chipset), because i really want compiz-fusion, FPS games (especially quake 3 mods, like ET), at least the battery for this laptop is cheap (CL$24.000), so probably I am gonna buy it when get paid of a little job that i made a few days ago.

jueves, abril 24, 2008

Flisol 2008

Comercial de flisol

floss at the university

will we see something like this in usach?

flisol advertisement at utalca

The lack of real support inside the u is probably our main disadvantage, because the sentence "nice idea, you have my support, just do it!" (read 'you have my support' just like 'I am gonna let you do that, but I don't have any resources') it's useless.

martes, abril 15, 2008

Vista v/s Ubuntu at dell.cl

It's a shame that if you buy a ubuntu powered laptop (inspiron 1420) it's almost US$180 (CL$82.000) expensive, so if I'am gonna buy a laptop with the same specifications (at the hardware level) and dropping the windows vista license I personally expect that the laptop cost me at least the same.

this is not fair.

Windows Vista powered laptop dell 1420

Windows Vista powered laptop dell 1420

Ubuntu 7.04 powered laptop dell 1420
Ubuntu 7.04 powered laptop dell 1420

lunes, abril 14, 2008

emacs + w3m + gtk

If you load w3m inside emacs you browse the web from a the comfort of an emacs-buffer :D

And if you develop gtk sofware, you can load gtk-look.el and load the api reference inside w3m :D :D

sábado, abril 12, 2008

via + linux + open source

Yahooooooo!!, via technologies made an announcement, the bad part is that my chipset (k8m800) will have no support initially, I hope that this will be added in the near future.

I really hope have a nice 2D and 3D support for the driver.

I think that the movement of via was motivated by results that received intel with his open source support for linux, and because the market of little computers for the living room, like the epia based, pico ITX, is a growing market and via IMO is providing the best price for this kind of hardware.

jueves, abril 10, 2008

What is to be a reall hacker these days?

This is something that i been thinking, and it's really hard give an answer.

The oldschool hackers (aka 50's to 80's hackers, at least for me those are real old school hackers, pre-internet boom!) says that part of be a real one is build your own tools, and i completely agree with that, but with the Internet era a new style apply to the FLOSS world, and this is 'do not reinvent the wheel', so these days probable we must say 'a real hacker builds their own tools when there is no tools, but if already there is one, the real hacker joins the development team to make an even better tool'.

This is the free software times, so we must learn how to work in community, because using this methodology we can build nice tools in less time than doing it by ourselves, so it's absurd do not this strategy.

I think the unique case where you must build your own tool from scratch (a tool that already exists) is when all the options sucks, will suck always, unless you rewrite it completely.

This is my opinion :D

domingo, abril 06, 2008

boleto de emergencia de la bip

hoy puse un reclamo en el sitio de la tarjeta bip, espero que respondan.

Buen día,

quisiera expresarles mi molestia e incomodidad, debido a la absurda restricción de no poder utilizar el 'boleto de emergencia' en el metro de santiago, es absurda dicha restricción, ya que hay una ventana de tiempo en la que metro ya tiene cerradas sus cajas, pero aun se permite el ingreso de pasajeros (aproximadamente entre 10.30 y 11.00 dependiendo de la estación), esto me ha forzado a tomar un bus.

no puedo imaginar el motivo que los lleve a tener tratamientos diferenciados.

de antemano muchas gracias, esperaré su respuesta

PD: como la pagina web carece de un lugar para introducir una dirección para recibir la respuesta me veo en la obligación de solo poner mi correo electronico.

jueves, marzo 20, 2008

Will i see this some day?

Will we see this here in Chile?

bikes parkedBikes parked at the Hague central station (i think is berlin, am not sure), taken by hpjansson

Yesterday, in a tv show (at red tv) were talking about the pollution, and hector precht said that nobody want to ride a bike, that the fact is that everybody is buying cars, so if there is too much traffic the solution is build a flying highway and under that a flying train. Well i only going to say: What the fuck is wrong with you people?. The quality of life here in santiago is awful, do you want to make it even worse?, come on, drive a car is sweet 'sometimes', when you drive a car you _must_ think in the consequences of the act, like the pollution, the expensive energy, and all the bad things related to this.

please politicians, you must define guidelines to improve the quality of life in the long term, not just fix with patches the bugs, you must design the city from here to 50 or even 100 years. because with the current style of development we are gonna be a city that must be crossed if your are lucky in a day (remember that everybody is buying houses at peripheral places (like quilicura, lampa, buin, san bernardo) and also buying cars to move in the city spending hours inside the car.

currently i am using a fucking black hat :D do you what i mean?

martes, marzo 18, 2008

Redes abiertas

Hace un tiempo zeus me dijo que habia dejado el access point (acceso a la wifi) de su casa abierto, es decir, sin contraseña, y me invito a que hiciera lo mismo, pero pensé 'mierda, estos leechers de mierda solo abusaran de mi escualida conexion', luego me fui de vacaciones con la naty y habian 3 redes en donde nos quedabamos y 'oh maldicion, las 3 cerradas' (dos con wep y una wpa) y fue lata no poder buscar en internet solucion a un problema que tenia y revisar el correo. Entonces ahora que vtr subió mi velocidad penśe 'le daré una oportunidad a mi barrio', así que dejé el acceso abierto por si alguien requiere de internet de la misma manera que yo lo necesité, espero que no abusen, pk o sino me veré forzado a cerrar el acceso.

los invito a que uds hagan lo mismo, tratemos de que existan más redes abiertas, en especial los que tenemos notebook y constantemente nos encontramos fuera de casa con la necesidad de tener internet en lugares extraños.

lunes, marzo 17, 2008

job and hobby

The last few weeks i am been thinking about what to do when your hobby becomes your job, everybody need different things in their life, a job (especially a paid job), a hobby, friends, girlfriend or wife, but my hobby always have been the computers related stuffs (programming, chat, play computer games, setup software, ...), it's stressing stay all the day doing stuffs at the computer (the job) and back home to keep doing things in the computer at home (the hobby), i think that this kind of behavior it is not healthy.
computer crazy

I think the cars/motorcycles will became my new hobby :D

domingo, marzo 16, 2008

Nerd test 2.0

nothing to say :P

NerdTests.com says I'm a Nerd King.  What are you?  Click here!

viernes, marzo 07, 2008

Sync the date-time

If you live in Chile, just use the ntp server that has the naval army ntp.shoa.cl that should give you the correct hour even after the day that the computer will change it by design.

I hope that server works like i expect :-\

domingo, marzo 02, 2008

Design Patterns

The design patterns were created to be used, but at what cost must be followed?, when is appropriated brake it?, it's a complicated thing, specially when you wanna have well documented softwares and extensible.

martes, febrero 26, 2008

Rizoma has a new home!

The new home of rizoma is savannah, we moved the project from chileforge, because the lack of a version control system distinct of cvs (we were using a private server with subversion for a few months, thanks zeus) and the apparently lack of support to the forge software. This movement will make us loose some things, like the Chilean aspect of the project (the most important currently), but we will win some technical stuffs that will let us do our work with a little more of comfort.

At savannah we are the codenamed rizoma project and we are using the git repo, the mailing list (rizoma-devel@nongnu.org and rizoma-usuarios@nongnu.org), when we release the next version will start working the bugs tracking system and some other stuffs.

We hope to recruit some developers, documentation writers and a graphical designer, so if you want to enjoy developing a simple point of sale software (current version is gpl2, but the next one will be gpl3) plesae join us a IRC (irc://irc.freenode.net #rizoma) and/or the mailing lists.

domingo, febrero 24, 2008

Amazing motorcycle

This vacations (that i spend thanks to my girlfriend and her nice family) outside of Pisco Capel's factory i saw an amazing motorcycle, the bad part is that the batteries of my camera were almost dead so i only could take just one picture.

This monster has a 1800cc engine, it has a comfortable heating system for the legs and a lot of other nice things, do you imagine traveling on this motorcycle? (if is with your girlfriend even better)

The friki part was that with then man of the picture (that was the driver) were traveling his mother in back sit, an old woman of 76 years old with skirt :) it's a completely hardcore grandma

viernes, febrero 22, 2008

Power management on linux

One of the biggest issues on linux is the power management, especially if you have laptop (that probably didn't came with linux preinstalled).

I always recommended the suspend2.net patch for the kernel, the patch now is called tuxonice, this comes with a pretty good set of scripts to interact with this (apt-cache search tuxonice), but the ugly part of this solution is that you must recompile a clean kernel, with clean i mean the kernel.org official release, because if you try to use the sources provided by your distribution you will have troubles applying the patch (offset isues) and it will be necessary that you change the source code manually, so this is a looong way, but i strong believe that the tuxonice is pretty good for strange hardware. But some days ago i recompiled the v2.6.24 kernel + tuxonice patch, it took me a few hours of cpu, and the result was a fully functional kernel, but with a very pour hard disk I/O performance:

# hdparm -t /dev/hda 
Timing buffered disk reads: 110 MB in 3.02 seconds = 36.37 MB/sec

# hdparm -t /dev/hda 
Timing buffered disk reads: 14 MB in 3.05 seconds = 4.59 MB/sec

so it became pretty useless, that make me dedicate time to make works the uswsusp way (integrated into the kernel.org and obviously present in the the debian kernel package, and probably in almost any distribution).

The simple way of do this in debian is

# apt-get install uswsusp pm-utils

with this we install the uswsusp support and associated tools, then it's necessary configure it with:
#dpkg-reconfigure uswsusp

if you use ndiswrapper for your wireless card, you need to tell to the power-management that unload the ndiswrapper module before it starts the hibernate, you can do this with the following line inside the /etc/pm/config.d/unload_modules file

now you must test the kernel functionality with the following commands 's2disk' and 's2ram' (the first for suspend to disk and the second one for suspend to ram)

if it works, now you mus test the pm-utils with equivalent commands 'pm-hibernate' and 'pm-suspend', these tools are wrappers to the underlying kernel functions, if it worked now the last step is authorize the users to use these shiny new features, for this you just need to add the username to the powerdev group, for example if the user is foobar you must type the following command:
# adduser foobar powerdev

now you restart the session to let changes apply (maybe you will need to reboot your computer to the changes made to the kernel were refreshed) and try to use your {gnome | kde | any-other}-power-manager tool

jueves, febrero 21, 2008

A good coffe cup

I love internet, thanks to this amazing invention we can obtain information about everything.

I'm gonna make me a coffe cup (no, it's not a java based software :P) and suddenly thought 'i am going to look for how to make a better coffe cup', and the result was that I found a lot of information, even a site called CoffeGeek, this kind of things only can be founded on internet, do you imagine a specialized coffe magazine, in chile at least it would be a dead bussiness.

Thanks cold war for give us this amazing tool :-\

jueves, febrero 07, 2008

The future ... ?_?

Well, currently my future is a little complicated, first of all i'm running against the time to finish the implementation of my project degree, it will be frustrating not having a almost functional software when march starts, but i'm a little tired of my project degree, i don't know the reason, probably it's just the lack of formal vacations.

The second trouble, that is in second place in the queue, is get real and formal job, a paid one of course, here in Chile there is a lot of opportunities in the field of computers engineering, but none of the them is exciting for my interests, the main fields where i can get a job are:

  • Software development, there are two kinds of development here, customized software from scratch, or generic software with a few tweaks to make it works. at first sounds interesting, but most of the developments are with .NET (not mono, just Microsoft) and Java (not iced tea nor , just the sun's implementation), so like an open source enthusiast if i have to choose between these options, i prefer Java. Of course there are other technologies used by the developers, like PHP (4 or 5), a little of ruby on rails, cobol mainly for legacy systems, but one of my biggest troubles is that i really suck in web-based software development, it's just complicated to me, i don't know how to organize a web that must be an application and not just a home style website. Well that's on the tech side, but in the human side, the software developers are like garbage, the enterprises are not interested in have
  • Systems administration, this job i dont like, you work under constant pressure, you are like the rare of the company (no ofense, but is how the others look the sysadmin), it's not a job where you can climb in the scale of power inside if the company, probably you can became the boss of the department, but nothing else, the manager will never ask you how to aern money :P
  • Consulting, this job is less technical than the others, you need to be more polite, there is a lot documents to write, reports and other things, but you can have a large projection, it' a well paid job, but this one does not fit my skills, i am not good with the reports, am just good enough to be an engineer
  • Support, it's like an external sysadmin (IMO), the pressure is high, unless you work for a company that cares about his employees (i know people working in oracle, on support, and they are happy with the job, but still does not have the load of a year of work), with this work you must turn off your imaginations and just follow the standard procedures, because the improvisations could cost you the job if the the solutions fails.
  • PYME, i always said that i like to work inside a PYME, because you must do a little of everything, but with time i realize that this have complications, because they just want the systems working, if you want to use a super-technologie, but the current is working probably the will say 'no, thanks', so its frustrating and lacks of climb positions of powers (and of course earn more money)
so, am still thinking about it :-\

lunes, enero 28, 2008


Para empezar, quiero aclarar que no estuve presente, por lo tanto mi opinión está basada en lo que me contó una persona que asistió, y un par de mails (seudo actas) que andan dando vuelta por ahí.

Primero, la idea es buena, siempre un gran problema que han tenido las organizaciones FLOSS es la atomicidad de los esfuerzos, en especial cuando se trata de ir a hablar con gobierno u otras organizaciones burocraticas.

Segundo, tengo la fé de que la idea se ejecute con éxito, finalmente para uno que está metido en el mundo floss se beneficia indirectamente del éxito de las gestiones que puedan llevar a cabo.

Pero, ya hay cosas que no me han gustado, lo que nome gusta es que la lista de correo en la que se harán los acuerdos sea moderada, si bien la intención es evitar los trolls los que participan de las listas rapidamente se dan cuenta de estos personajes y simplemente los ignoran (usualmente luego de putearlo :P), me parece chocante que listas tan importantes como las del kernel, gtk, entre otras sean abiertas, pero esta lista de 'los iluminados' sea cerrada, se podria simplemente adoptar la politica de ignorar o kickear/banear a los trolls.

Además si bien ellos dicen que solamente debe haber un representante por organización, en la reunión habia gente que no representaba más allá de su propia persona, es verdad que solo era la primera reunión, pero en la bases decía claramente debías decir a que organización representabas, entonces como es la cosa?, los NN como nosotros debemos representar a alguien, pero las rockstar tienen free-pass?, no es nada en contra de las rockstars, pero sí en que las cosas sean parejas para todos y que no se haga lo tipico de un grupo de iluminados organizando las cosas.

Además lo que me parece gracioso es que de las 3 grandes propuestas que llevaba gnuchile 2 se las mandaron para la casa xD (que interfloss organizara flisol, que gnuchile necesitaba asesores), pero eso es más anecdotico :P

La fecha tentativa para la siguiente reunión es el 1 de marzo, espero poder aparecerme en la siguiente reunión, aunque representando a linuxdiinf, pk como no soy rockstar no tengo free-pass :-\

update: en el blog del presidente ejecutivo de gnuchile hay una especie acta y aclaración de ciertos puntos de la asamblea de interfloss (no encontré un permalink así que quizás muera con el tiempo el enlace :\)

martes, enero 22, 2008

Mouse usb en notebook

One of the things that are irritating is when you attached a usb mouse to the notebook y start to write something (like this entry) and the palm of the hand touch the touchpad y the focus change, so what for do i want keep my touchpad enabled if i am using the usb mouse?, well with the help of udev (thanks linux) i create a rule to avoid that ugly behavior

freyes@yoda:~$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/01-touchpad.rules
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ID_CLASS="mouse", RUN+="/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=1"
ACTION=="remove", SUBSYSTEM=="input", ID_CLASS="mouse", RUN+="/usr/bin/synclient TouchpadOff=0"

The first rule disable the mouse when some usb mouse is attached to the system, and the second one enable it when the usb mouse y removed.

Remember to put shared memory config option in your xorg.conf

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Configured Mouse"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "SHMConfig" "on"

Of course, you can have a lot more tweks to your config, but the bold option must be present.

lunes, enero 21, 2008

paris.cl defaced

jotape me mandó un link donde sale un lindo deface de la caja de windows vista en el sitio paris.cl