sábado, junio 28, 2008
jueves, junio 26, 2008
firefox stop pissing me off
a common use case of my daily routine before firefox 3 appeared on sid:
- open liferea
- open evolution
- open iceweasel (aka firefox)
- open emacs
- put music with emms
- while unread_items > 0, read the interesting items of the feeds loaded in liferea, and click in the interesting links
- read the mail, and if somebody sent me a link, then follow it
- check all the links opened in iceweasel
a common use case of my daily routing after firefox 3
- open liferea
- open evolution
- open iceweasel
- open emacs
- put music with emms
- while unread_items > 0, read the interesting items of the feeds loaded in liferea, click in the interesting links, minimize firefox to return the focus to liferea
- read the mail, and if somebody sent me a link, then follow it, minimize the firefox to return the focus to evolution
- check all the links opened in iceweasel
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 1:05 p. m. 4 comentarios
miércoles, junio 25, 2008
un tip que me envió la naty
mouji dice:
En Facebook la cosa está que arde…se han creado muchos grupos interesantes y uno de ellos es “Yo Reciclo” que ya lleva más de 2000 miembros, ahora han publicado ésta lista con las diferentes organizaciones que reciben reciclaje en Chile:
– Codeff: 777-2534 (www.codeff.cl)
– Coaniquem: 570-2500 (www.coaniquem.cl)
– Nocedal: 381-3641 www.nocedal.cl
– Crearte: 236-0341 www.crearte.cl
– Coar: 732-2821 www.coar.cl
3.- CACHUREOS ELECTRÓNICOS (computadores, impresoras, pantallas… . etc)
– Emaus: 643-3643 643-2035 (www.traperosemaus.cl)
– Municipalidad de Providencia 410-5215 (www.providencia.cl)
– Fundación Todo Chilenter 516-0807 516-0403
– Chilectra: 696-0000 www.chilectra.cl
– Casa de La Paz: www.casadelapaz.cl
– Recipet: 854-5967 www.recipet.cl
– Cenfa: 800-410066 www.cenfa.cl
6.- TETRAPAK (envases de leche y jugos de larga vida)
7.- ALUMINIO (latas de bebida y cervezas)
– Copasur (retira a domicilio sobre 40kg) 548-7755 www.copasur.cl
– Cenfa 800-410066 www.cenfa.cl
– Fundación San José 399-9614 www.fundaciónsanjose cl
– Sorepa 473-70000 www.sorepa.cl
– Recupac 624-6539 www.recupac.cl
– Reciclados industriales 641-3128
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 11:43 a. m. 0 comentarios
domingo, junio 15, 2008
code swarm
This visualization, called code_swarm, shows the history of commits in a software project. A commit happens when a developer makes changes to the code or documents and transfers them into the central project repository.
code_swarm - Python from Michael Ogawa on Vimeo.
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 2:38 p. m. 1 comentarios
jueves, junio 12, 2008
Linux hater's blog
yea that's right, it's a must-read blog, I recommend How to write a Gnome Application
Linux hater's blog
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 5:43 p. m. 0 comentarios
martes, junio 10, 2008
interesante nota
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 2:31 p. m. 1 comentarios
viernes, junio 06, 2008
git screencasts
If you have heard that the kernel.org guys use git to develop it, but you just know that it's a CVS/SVN replacement, but in a distributed way, and you don't know how it works, then the right place for you is gitcasts.
The site has a lot of videos, they pick a functionality of git and show it in a video of about 8 minutes, pretty educative :D
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 10:54 a. m. 0 comentarios
jueves, junio 05, 2008
What's worng with you via?, the announcement about give us free open source drivers for the graphics cards was made about more than a month and we are still waiting, why you are just dropping binary drivers on your site?, damn it I want a fully functional video card, but believe me that my next laptop will be powered by Intel technologies, they are doing the things right.
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 8:34 p. m. 0 comentarios
miércoles, junio 04, 2008
when to use mvc++?
Well, since I used the design pattern proposed by Jaaksi MVC++, I said that really sucks, because sometimes it's really easy implement something connecting two controllers bypassing the main controller, especially when you know the entire software and you know that it will not change in the future (I'm talking about my project degree), but today I was walking to my home (yes it was raining and I was all wet) and start to think about the design of rizoma, and that application has a lot of UIs (notebooks, windows and dialogs) so the code it pretty ugly, so I started to think what to do if the application must be rewritten, and how to apply mvc++, and after a few blocks I said 'hey mvc++ rocks!', but why? ...
Let's see, when you have a software the will never have a final version (I mean that will never stop of being developed) you must use a modular design, and mvc++ give us that in a simple way.
Here are the main rules (IMO) of mvc++:
* There must exists a main controller and all the message that a controllers want to send to another one must pass across the main controller.
* A controller and view must have 1 to 1 relationship, so the view will only stay in touch with it's controller.
* The controller must provide a set of functionalities for the other controllers exposed by public methods.
* and of course the controllers can manipulate the model
The key to don't feel that mvc++ sucks, is don't think that when you are in a controller X you want/must call a method of controller Y, you must say 'hey, main controller, I want to use the A functionality, this are the arguments' and never think who is gonna receive those arguments, it's responsability of the main controller call the proper controller and pass the arguments in a way that it can understand.
With this change of think will let you have a pretty decent software, that can connect new UI components in a pretty simple way, and if you use the abstract partner it will be even better.
Posteado por Felipe a la(s) 9:21 p. m. 0 comentarios
Etiquetas: omt++