miércoles, mayo 28, 2008

We are in the backyard of the world

Well, that's an old news, but really we are in the backyard of the world.

Our neighbors from argentina are organizing the debconf8 (debian conference 8), the have put a lot of effort, first to win like hosts for debconf8 and then to build the conference at mar del plata, but there is a lot of debian developers that live in USA and Europe

Debian developers location

So for them it will be so much expensive get the tickets to argentina, I don't how many debian devs will miss the debconf, but the topic of the month at debian planet is 'to go or not go to debconf', it's a shame really, because conferences like this usually are made at usa or europe (at those countries is movement :P).

And finally our fucking local enterprises doesn't care sponsorship an event like this one, so give money for tickets is really complicated.

Good luck debconf8 team ;)

martes, mayo 27, 2008

It's raining

here in stgo, it's raining and it seems that it's not gonna stop, but the wheather guys say that after the rain comes a polar front, so we must be prepared for under 0ºC

I hope that the office with a little stove stays warm :-\

domingo, mayo 25, 2008

Interesting Thread

Today I did a simple search on google 'flisol santiago 2008' and one of the results that a I saw is a thread in the linux list of the utfsm, the thread is SPAM: Fwd: INVITACION FLISOL SANTIAGO 2008.

The discussion was pretty intense, still is good read it, because they talk about the gnuchile's platform for events, and that has same low points, like in the mail that they sent you don't says who provide them the email.

lunes, mayo 19, 2008

domingo, mayo 18, 2008

Acid 3 in epiphany-webkit of debian archive

Today I give it a try to the epiphany-webkit package available in the debian archive and it passed the acid3 test :D,I knew that the svn version were passing the test, but I didn't knew that the package if the debian were with a so recent version of webkit, nice job debian guys :-)

miércoles, mayo 14, 2008

Just a shot

this is just a shot of the new glade/gtkbuilder based GUI

It looks pretty nice, and even support a fullscreen mode, so if you have a low resolution (like 800x600 in a 9'' screen)