miércoles, abril 30, 2008

Emacs for ladies

if you are a lady, a lady that likes the pink color and emacs, then this color theme is the right one for you.

Pink emacs color theme

domingo, abril 27, 2008

My battery is gonna die!

Today gnome-power-manager warned me about that my battery sucks :( is charging only the 42% of it's capacity, it's a shame, especially, because I don't what to do, I wish to change the laptop for a new one and with hardware that talks better with the penguin OS, like the Dell 1420, but I don't have the money right now to buy it, so I am stuck with this laptop, I like a lot this laptop, except for the lack of a super b class driver for the video card (via k8m800 chipset), because i really want compiz-fusion, FPS games (especially quake 3 mods, like ET), at least the battery for this laptop is cheap (CL$24.000), so probably I am gonna buy it when get paid of a little job that i made a few days ago.

jueves, abril 24, 2008

Flisol 2008

Comercial de flisol

floss at the university

will we see something like this in usach?

flisol advertisement at utalca

The lack of real support inside the u is probably our main disadvantage, because the sentence "nice idea, you have my support, just do it!" (read 'you have my support' just like 'I am gonna let you do that, but I don't have any resources') it's useless.

martes, abril 15, 2008

Vista v/s Ubuntu at dell.cl

It's a shame that if you buy a ubuntu powered laptop (inspiron 1420) it's almost US$180 (CL$82.000) expensive, so if I'am gonna buy a laptop with the same specifications (at the hardware level) and dropping the windows vista license I personally expect that the laptop cost me at least the same.

this is not fair.

Windows Vista powered laptop dell 1420

Windows Vista powered laptop dell 1420

Ubuntu 7.04 powered laptop dell 1420
Ubuntu 7.04 powered laptop dell 1420

lunes, abril 14, 2008

emacs + w3m + gtk

If you load w3m inside emacs you browse the web from a the comfort of an emacs-buffer :D

And if you develop gtk sofware, you can load gtk-look.el and load the api reference inside w3m :D :D

sábado, abril 12, 2008

via + linux + open source

Yahooooooo!!, via technologies made an announcement, the bad part is that my chipset (k8m800) will have no support initially, I hope that this will be added in the near future.

I really hope have a nice 2D and 3D support for the driver.

I think that the movement of via was motivated by results that received intel with his open source support for linux, and because the market of little computers for the living room, like the epia based, pico ITX, is a growing market and via IMO is providing the best price for this kind of hardware.

jueves, abril 10, 2008

What is to be a reall hacker these days?

This is something that i been thinking, and it's really hard give an answer.

The oldschool hackers (aka 50's to 80's hackers, at least for me those are real old school hackers, pre-internet boom!) says that part of be a real one is build your own tools, and i completely agree with that, but with the Internet era a new style apply to the FLOSS world, and this is 'do not reinvent the wheel', so these days probable we must say 'a real hacker builds their own tools when there is no tools, but if already there is one, the real hacker joins the development team to make an even better tool'.

This is the free software times, so we must learn how to work in community, because using this methodology we can build nice tools in less time than doing it by ourselves, so it's absurd do not this strategy.

I think the unique case where you must build your own tool from scratch (a tool that already exists) is when all the options sucks, will suck always, unless you rewrite it completely.

This is my opinion :D

domingo, abril 06, 2008

boleto de emergencia de la bip

hoy puse un reclamo en el sitio de la tarjeta bip, espero que respondan.

Buen día,

quisiera expresarles mi molestia e incomodidad, debido a la absurda restricción de no poder utilizar el 'boleto de emergencia' en el metro de santiago, es absurda dicha restricción, ya que hay una ventana de tiempo en la que metro ya tiene cerradas sus cajas, pero aun se permite el ingreso de pasajeros (aproximadamente entre 10.30 y 11.00 dependiendo de la estación), esto me ha forzado a tomar un bus.

no puedo imaginar el motivo que los lleve a tener tratamientos diferenciados.

de antemano muchas gracias, esperaré su respuesta

PD: como la pagina web carece de un lugar para introducir una dirección para recibir la respuesta me veo en la obligación de solo poner mi correo electronico.